Thursday, April 10, 2014

Does Your Lobby Make a Strong Impression?

With increasing noise in the marketplace, companies in today’s world need to take advantage of every opportunity to communicate their brands, values and missions. Creating a lobby area that embraces this idea can wow potential customers from the moment they walk through your doors.

Branded lobby environments do not only create a strong impression on customers. Studies have shown that the atmosphere of a workplace impacts overall productivity and satisfaction. Designing a lobby that emphasizes your corporate mission and philosophy sends a strong and cohesive message about your brand to employees as well.

Adler Display recently completed a corporate lobby project for Ventura Solutions, Inc. The company needed a modern, high-tech looking environment for its new office. Adler Display designed and fabricated the new office from top to bottom to create a branded environment, including an impact logo, mission/vision graphics and a custom-built reception desk inspired by the shape of the V in the Ventura logo. The design included custom office furniture, a built-out video wall, industry-related graphics, cubbies for mail, and custom-built countertops.

Lobby DisplaysLobby Displays

An education-based organization also came to Adler Display recently to spice up their lobby.  ASCD, an international organization made up of a diverse mix of people, wanted a space that highlighted the important characteristics of their organization. The new look Adler Display designed, fabricated and installed for ASCD incorporated a timeline history wall, clocks showing the times in different time zones around the world, a mural that highlighted people’s faces, and a floor-to-ceiling map of the world showing more diverse faces, with the tagline: Learn. Teach. Lead.

Lobby DisplaysLobby Displays

Does your lobby make a strong impression? If the answer is no, Adler Display can help. Start by considering the amount of space you have. A large space can incorporate a mural, company timeline highlighting important achievements, or even a wall to recognize certain individuals. Smaller spaces can make a big impact with a back-lit logo, custom-built reception desk and mission statement etched in glass. The options are endless. The important part is to create a lasting impression on all individuals who enter your lobby. This can be accomplished through the correct design, colors, materials and lighting.

Lobby DisplaysLobby Displays

Create a lobby that highlights the best features of your company. Even we at Adler Display use our lobby to highlight our mission and history. For more information click here.